26.6.2022 | 23:08
Hćstiréttur Bandaríkjanna og fóstureyđingar
Fólk hefur mismunandi skođanir varđandi fóstureyđingar og ţađ er eđlilegt í lýđrćđisríki. Í Evrópu og víđa annarsstađar hefur veriđ samţykkt misfrjálslynd lög um fóstureyđingu, sem nú kallast ţungunarrof. Í Bandaríkjunum dćmdi Hćstiréttur Bandaríkjanna áriđ 1973 í ţví frćga máli Roe v. Wade ađ kona hefđi stjórnarskrárvarin rétt til ađ velja ađ láta eyđa fóstri innan ákveđins tíma frá ţungun.
Ţeim dómi hefur Hćstiréttur Bandaríkjanna nú hnekkt á ţeim grundvelli, ađ ţađ fóstureyđing sé ekki réttur sem mćlt er fyrir um í stjórnarskrá Bandaríkjanna. Raunar kemst dómstóllinn ađ ţeirri niđurstöđu, ađ stjórnarskráin hvorki heimili né banni fóstureyđingar og ţessvegna sé ţađ löggjafans bćđi einstakra fylkja og alríkisins ađ ákveđa hvort fóstureyđingar skuli leyfa eđa ţćr skuli banna.
Hér á landi hefđi ţađ ţótt einstaklega sérkennilegt hefđi Hćstiréttur Íslands kveđiđ upp dóm um ađ fóstureyđingar vćru löglegar og mannréttindi kvenna svo fremi sem fóstureyđing vćri framkvćmd innan ákveđins tíma frá getnađi. Hćstiréttur hefđi ekki getađ kveđiđ upp slíkan dóm út frá stjórnarskrá íslenska lýđveldisins og ţađ eru eingöngu lög um fóstureyđingar (ţungunarrof) sem mćla fyrir um ţađ hvađa reglur skuli gilda um ţessi mál, en ţađ hefur engum hér á landi dottiđ ţađ í hug ađ Hćstiréttur ćtti í ţessu efni eđa öđrum slíkum, ađ grípa fram fyrir hendur ţjóđkjörinna fulltrúa og búa til lög í landinu, en forseta Íslands og forsćtisráđherra finnst ađ ţannig eigi ţađ ađ vera í Bandaríkjunum.
Stjórnmálamenn á Vesturlöndum sem og Biden forseti og hans nótar hrópa nú hátt um hverskonar ófremdarástand sé í Hćstarétti Bandaríkjanna ţegar hann bendir réttilega á, ađ stjórnarskrá Bandaríkjanna hefur ekkert međ ţetta ađ gera ekki frekar en stjórnarskrá lýđveldisins Íslands.
Ţađ er dapurt ađ ţurfa ađ horfa upp á ađ bćđi forseti lýđveldisins og forsćtisráđherra skuli bćđi falla í ţá gryfju ađ gagnrýna og fordćma niđurstöđu Hćstaréttar Bandaríkjanna án ţess ađ hafa kynnt sér máliđ, sama á viđ um ótölulegan hóp álitsgjafa og fréttafólks.
Dómurinn bannar ekki fóstureyđingar. Hann segir einfaldlega ađ stjórnarskráin í Bandaríkjunum veiti ekki stjórnarskrárvarin rétt til fóstureyđingar. Hann segir líka ađ ţađ sé ţjóđkjörinna fulltrúa ađ taka ákvörđun um hvort heimila skuli fóstureyđingar og nánari reglur ţar ađ lútandi.
Ţessi niđurstađa Hćstaréttar Bandaríkjanna breytir ţví ekki ađ fóstureyđingar eru eftir sem áđur heimilar í ţeim ríkjum, ţar sem ţćr eru leyfđar en ţar býr mikill meirihluti Bandaríkjamanna. Ţá liggur líka fyrir ađ konur sem vilja fá fóstureyđingu geta fariđ frjálsar ferđa sinna til ţess og ţađ er óheimilt ađ meina ţeim slíka för.
Hvađ sem líđur mínum viđhorfum, Guđna Th. Jóhannessonar eđa annarra varđandi fóstureyđingar ţá verđum viđ ađ skođa hvađ er um ađ rćđa hverju sinni og viđ hljótum ađ vera sammála um ţađ viđ Guđni og sjálfsagt Katrín Jakobsdóttir líka ađ ćđsti dómstóll ríkja skuli jafnan dćma í samrćmi viđ lögin í samrćmi viđ heiđarlegt mat dómara sem byggist á ţekkingu ţeirra og dómgreind. Ţess verđum viđ ađ krefjast en viđ getum ekki krafist ţess ađ dómarar dćmi í samrćmi viđ ţađ sem viđ vildum svo gjarnan ađ hefđi átt ađ vera til stađar en var ţađ ekki.
Nú reynir á Biden forseta ađ gangast fyrir löggjöf í Bandaríkjunum, sem tryggir ákveđinn lágmarksrétt varđandi réttindi kvenna til fóstureyđinga. Ţađ er hans og löggjafans ţ.e. ţings Bandaríkjanna (Fulltrúadeildarinnar og Öldungadeildarinnar) ađ ákveđa framgang málsins. Ţađ átti alltaf ađ vera á ţeirra könnu líka fyrir 50 árum, en ţví miđur kvađ Hćstiréttur Bandaríkjanna ţá upp rangan dóm ađ mínu mati, sem hefur komiđ í veg fyrir ađ Bandaríkin fćru í gegn um ţá umrćđu og lýđrćđđislega lagasetningu, sem hefur veriđ í Evrópu og vafalaust hefđi löggjöfin í Bandaríkjunum veriđ önnur í dag hefđi sá dómur ekki veriđ kveđinn upp.
Mér finnast ummćli Kavanaugh dómara viđ Hćstarétt í Bandaríkjunum vera ţau bestu varđandi skýringar á niđurstöđu meirihlutans hvađ varđar ţetta mál og set hér ađ neđan allt sem máli skiptir í ţví sem hann setur fram varđandi dóminn.
Abortion is a profoundly difficult and contentious issue because it presents an irreconcilable conflict between the interests of a pregnant woman who seeks an abortion and the interests in protecting fetal life. The interests on both sides of the abortion issue are extraordinarily weighty. On the one side, many pro-choice advocates forcefully argue that the ability to obtain an abortion is critically important for womens personal and professional lives, and for womens health. They contend that the widespread availability of abortion has been essential for women to advance in society and to achieve greater equality over the last 50 years. And they maintain that women must have the freedom to choose for themselves whether to have an abortion. On the other side, many pro-life advocates forcefully argue that a fetus is a human life. They contend that all human life should be protected as a matter of human dignity and fundamental morality. And they stress that a significant percentage of Americans with pro-life views are women. When it comes to abortion, one interest must prevail over the other at any given point in a pregnancy. Many Americans of good faith would prioritize the interests of the pregnant woman. Many other Americans of good faith instead would prioritize the interests in protecting fetal lifeat least unless, for example, an abortion is necessary to save the life of the mother. Of course, many Americans are conflicted or have nuanced views that may vary depending on the particular time in pregnancy, or the particular circumstances of a pregnancy. The issue before this Court, however, is not the policy or morality of abortion. The issue before this Court is what the Constitution says about abortion. The Constitution does not take sides on the issue of abortion. The text of the Constitution does not refer to or encompass abortion. To be sure, this Court has held that the Constitution protects unenumerated rights that are deeply rooted in this Nations history and tradition, and implicit in the concept of ordered liberty. But a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in American history and tradition, as the Court today thoroughly explains.1 On the question of abortion, the Constitution is therefore neither pro-life nor pro-choice. The Constitution is neutral and leaves the issue for the people and their elected representatives to resolve through the democratic process in the States or Congresslike the numerous other difficult questions of American social and economic policy that the Constitution does not address. Because the Constitution is neutral on the issue of abortion, this Court also must be scrupulously neutral. The nine unelected Members of this Court do not possess the constitutional authority to override the democratic process and to decree either a pro-life or a pro-choice abortion policy for all 330 million people in the United States. Instead of adhering to the Constitutions neutrality, the Court in Roe took sides on the issue and unilaterally decreed that abortion was legal throughout the United States up to the point of viability (about 24 weeks of pregnancy). The Courts decision today properly returns the Court to a position of neutrality and restores the peoples authority to address the issue of abortion through the processes of democratic self-government established by the Constitution. Some amicus briefs argue that the Court today should not only overrule Roe and return to a position of judicial neutrality on abortion, but should go further and hold that the Constitution outlaws abortion throughout the United States. No Justice of this Court has ever advanced that position. I respect those who advocate for that position, just as I respect those who argue that this Court should hold that the Constitution legalizes pre-viability abortion throughout the United States. But both positions are wrong as a constitutional matter, in my view. The Constitution neither outlaws abortion nor legalizes abortion. To be clear, then, the Courts decision today does not outlaw abortion throughout the United States. On the contrary, the Courts decision properly leaves the question of abortion for the people and their elected representatives in the democratic process. Through that democratic process, the people and their representatives may decide to allow or limit abortion. As Justice Scalia stated, the States may, if they wish, permit abortion on demand, but the Constitution does not require them to do so. Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U. S. 833, 979 (1992) (opin ion concurring in judgment in part and dissenting in part). Todays decision therefore does not prevent the numerous States that readily allow abortion from continuing to readily allow abortion. That includes, if they choose, the amici States supporting the plaintiff in this Court: New York, California, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii. By contrast, other States may maintain laws that more strictly limit abortion. After todays decision, all of the States may evaluate the competing interests and decide how to address this consequential issue.2 In arguing for a constitutional right to abortion that would override the peoples choices in the democratic process, the plaintiff Jackson Womens Health Organization and its amici emphasize that the Constitution does not freeze the American peoples rights as of 1791 or 1868. I fully agree. To begin, I agree that constitutional rights apply to situations that were unforeseen in 1791 or 1868 such as applying the First Amendment to the Internet or the Fourth Amendment to cars. Moreover, the Constitution authorizes the creation of new rightsstate and federal, statutory and constitutional. But when it comes to creating new rights, the Constitution directs the people to the various processes of democratic self-government contemplated by the Constitutionstate legislation, state constitutional amendments, federal legislation, and federal constitutional The Constitution does not grant the nine unelected Members of this Court the unilateral authority to rewrite the Constitution to create new rights and liberties based on our own moral or policy views.
III After todays decision, the nine Members of this Court will no longer decide the basic legality of pre-viability abortion for all 330 million Americans. That issue will be resolved by the people and their representatives in the democratic process in the States or Congress. But the parties arguments have raised other related questions, and I address some of them here. First is the question of how this decision will affect other precedents involving issues such as contraception and marriagein particular. I emphasize what the Court today states: Overruling Roe does not mean the overruling of those precedents, and does not threaten or cast doubt on those precedents. Second, as I see it, some of the other abortion-related legal questions raised by todays decision are not especially difficult as a constitutional matter. For example, may a State bar a resident of that State from traveling to another State to obtain an abortion? In my view, the answer is no based on the constitutional right to interstate travel. May a State retroactively impose liability or punishment for an abortion that occurred before todays decision takes effect? In my view, the answer is no based on the Due Process Clause or the Ex Post Facto Clause. But this Court will no longer decide the fundamental question of whether abortion must be allowed throughout the United States through 6 weeks, or 12 weeks, or 15 weeks, or 24 weeks, or some other line. The Court will no longer decide how to evaluate the interests of the pregnant woman and the interests in protecting fetal life throughout pregnancy. Instead, those difficult moral and policy questions will be decided, as the Constitution dictates, by the people and their elected representatives through the constitutional processes of democratic self-government. The Roe Court took sides on a consequential moral and policy issue that this Court had no constitutional authority to decide. By taking sides, the Roe Court distorted the Nations understanding of this Courts proper role in the American constitutional system and thereby damaged the Court as an institution. As Justice Scalia explained, Roe destroyed the compromises of the past, rendered compromise impossible for the future, and required the entire issue to be resolved uniformly, at the national level. Casey, 505 U. S., at 995 (opinion concurring in judgment in part and dissenting in part). The Courts decision today properly returns the Court to a position of judicial neutrality on the issue of abortion, and properly restores the peoples authority to resolve the issue of abortion through the processes of democratic self government established by the Constitution. To be sure, many Americans will disagree with the Courts decision today. That would be true no matter how the Court decided this case. Both sides on the abortion issue believe sincerely and passionately in the rightness of their cause. Especially in those difficult and fraught circumstances, the Court must scrupulously adhere to the Constitutions neutral position on the issue of abortion.
Meginflokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Aukaflokkar: Mannréttindi, Utanríkismál/alţjóđamál | Facebook
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Andri Geir Arinbjarnarson
Anna Björg Hjartardóttir
Anna Ragna Alexandersdóttir
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Brynja Hlíf Þorsteinsdóttir
Carl Jóhann Granz
Gunnlaugur Halldór Halldórsson
Dominus Sanctus.
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Helga Kristjánsdóttir
Þórólfur Ingvarsson
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Hrannar Baldursson
Halldóra Lára Ásgeirsdóttir
Bjarni Kjartansson
Eyþór Laxdal Arnalds
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Einar G. Harðarson
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Elinóra Inga Sigurðardóttir
Erla Margrét Gunnarsdóttir
ESB og almannahagur
Ester Sveinbjarnardóttir
Friðrik Hansen Guðmundsson
Jón Kristjánsson
Atli Hermannsson.
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Brosveitan - Pétur Reynisson
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Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson
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Jón Þórhallsson
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Gústaf Adolf Skúlason
Guðjón Ólafsson
Gylfi Þór Þórisson
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Halldór Jónsson
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Hannes Sigurbjörn Jónsson
Haukur Baukur
Birgir Guðjónsson
Sigurbjörg Eiríksdóttir
Heimir Ólafsson
G Helga Ingadottir
Helgi Kr. Sigmundsson
Helgi Þór Gunnarsson
Herdís Sigurjónsdóttir
Hildur Sif Thorarensen
Eiríkur Harðarson
Hjörtur Guðbjartsson
Haraldur Huginn Guðmundsson
Snorri Hrafn Guðmundsson
Þráinn Jökull Elísson
Pétur Steinn Sigurðsson
Einar Ben
Inga Lára Helgadóttir
Inga G Halldórsdóttir
Jakob S Jónsson
Einar B Bragason
Jens Guð
jósep sigurðsson
Sigurður Einarsson
Jónas Egilsson
Jón Pétur Líndal
Jón Snæbjörnsson
Jón Valur Jensson
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Júlíus Brjánsson
Bergur Thorberg
Kjartan Pálmarsson
Kjartan Eggertsson
Kjartan Magnússon
Högni Snær Hauksson
Kolbrún Baldursdóttir
Kristján P. Gudmundsson
Kristján H Theódórsson
Bjarki Steingrímsson
Steingrímur Helgason
Konráð Ragnarsson
Guðjón Baldursson
Lúðvík Júlíusson
Lúðvík Lúðvíksson
Margrét St Hafsteinsdóttir
Magnús Jónsson
Magnús Ragnar (Maggi Raggi).
Alfreð Símonarson
Markús frá Djúpalæk
Marta Guðjónsdóttir
Hulda Haraldsdóttir
Natan Kolbeinsson
Sigurður Sigurðsson
Ólafur Örn Jónsson
Ólafur Sveinsson
Ólafur Fr Mixa
Ómar Bjarki Smárason
Páll Ingi Kvaran
Pálmi Gunnarsson
Pjetur Stefánsson
Rafn Gíslason
Ragnar G
Ragnar Þór Ingólfsson
Ragnar L Benediktsson
Rannveig H
Árni Gunnarsson
Ragnheiður Ólafsdóttir
Rósa Harðardóttir
ragnar bergsson
Sæþór Helgi Jensson
Samstaða þjóðar
Sigurður Sigurðsson
Sigurður Þórðarson
Sigrún Jóna Sigurðardóttir
Sigurbjörn Sveinsson
Sigurður Kári Kristjánsson
Sigurjón Þórðarson
Sigurður Jónsson
Haraldur Pálsson
Stefán Friðrik Stefánsson
Stefán Júlíusson
Þorsteinn Guðnason
Jóhann Pétur
Sverrir Stormsker
Sturla Bragason
Sumarliði Einar Daðason
Ólafur Ingi Hrólfsson
Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson
Björn Bjarnason
Óli Björn Kárason
Jón Þórhallsson
Þóra Guðmundsdóttir
Þórhallur Guðlaugsson
Þórhallur Heimisson
Þorsteinn Erlingsson yngri
Tryggvi Gunnar Hansen
Valdimar H Jóhannesson
Valur Arnarson
Ingunn Guðnadóttir
Óskar Þ. G. Eiríksson
Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson
Vilhjálmur Sveinn Björnsson
Kristinn Ingi Jónsson
Guðsteinn Haukur Barkarson
Ívar Pálsson
Ţađ er margt hćgt ađ segja um ţennan pistil, en ég ćtla hér á eftir ađ fá ađ benda á nokkur atriđi úr áliti minnihlutans.
En fyrst, skv. útlistun á vefnum Findlaw.com (https://supreme.findlaw.com/supreme-court-insights/roe-v--wade-case-summary--what-you-need-to-know.html) var niđurstađa Roe v. Wade í ţremur meginatriđum sem hér segir:
".... the Court defined the rights of each party by dividing pregnancy into three 12-week trimesters:
Fyrir Roe v. Wade voru um milljón fóstureyđinga framkvćmdar í Bandaríkjunum á ári. Á árunum eftir Roe v. Wade var fjöldinn sá sami en dauđsföllum kvenna fćkkađi stórkostlega vegna ţess ađ framkvćmdin varđ öruggari.
Ţađ er rétt ađ dómurinn bannar ekki fóstureyđingar og leggur ţađ í hendur löggjafarţings hvers ríkis og alríkis ađ útfćra löggjöfina, en ómerkir fyrri dóm sem heimilađi heldur ekki takmarkalausar fóstureyđingar heldur var ţađ réttur konunnar ađ taka ţá ákvörđun fram ađ ákveđnum tímamörkum. Hann gaf jafnframt út viđmiđ hvenćr ákvörđunin var konunnar og hvenćr ríkiđ gćti stigiđ inn í ferliđ.
Ţú segir:
"Ţessi niđurstađa Hćstaréttar Bandaríkjanna breytir ţví ekki ađ fóstureyđingar eru eftir sem áđur heimilar í ţeim ríkjum, ţar sem ţćr eru leyfđar en ţar býr mikill meirihluti Bandaríkjamanna. Ţá liggur líka fyrir ađ konur sem vilja fá fóstureyđingu geta fariđ frjálsar ferđa sinna til ţess og ţađ er óheimilt ađ meina ţeim slíka för. "
Minnihlutinn bendir á í sínu áliti ađ ekkert í ţessum nýjasta dómi kemur í veg fyrir ađ ríki geti sett frekari kvađir á borgara til ađ koma í veg fyrir fóstureyđingar, ţar međ taliđ ferđafrelsi. Hann bendir einnig á ađ fjárhagsstađa konu geti torveldađ henni slíkt ferđalag, ferđalag sem ţér finnst svo sjálfsagt ađ allir geti fariđ í, og ţar međ stefnt lífi hennar og framtíđ í hćttu.
Minnihlutinn nefnir einnig nýleg lög í Texas ţar sem borgurum er egnt hverjum gegn öđrum međ ţví ađ benda á ţá nágranna sína sem reyna ađ komast í fóstureyđingu eđa ţá sem ađstođa viđ slíkt.
Ţá segir minnihlutinn kvenréttindi stórlega skert međ ţessum dómi vegna ţess hversu opinn og óskýr hann er međ ţví ađ leggja ţađ í hendur ţings hvers ríkis ađ ákveđa réttindi borgaranna um fóstureyđingar.
Hann bendir einnig á ađ skv. niđurstöđu meirihlutans veiti stjórnarskráin [ţessum hópi kvenna] ekki neina vörn ţrátt fyrir fullvissu um frelsi og jafnrétti til handa öllum.
Og síđast en ekki síst bendir minnihlutinn líka í sínu áliti á ađ ađeins ein ástćđa sé fyrir ţessari niđurstöđu og ţađ er samsetning réttarins. Ákvörđun meirihlutans ber ţađ međ sér ađ vera geđţóttaákvörđun ţví ekkert nýtt hefur komiđ fram sem ćtti ađ breyta niđurstöđu Roe v. Wade.
Hćstiréttur Bandaríkjanna hefur sett mikiđ niđur međ ţessari niđurstöđu tel ég.
Hér ađ neđan eru svo valdir punktar úr áliti minnihlutans en full ástćđa er til ađ birta ţađ í heild sinni, eđa kynna sér álit hans.
Enforcement of all these draconian restrictions will also be left largely to the States' devices. A State can of course impose criminal penalties on abortion providers, including lengthy prison sentences. But some States will not stop there. Perhaps, in the wake of today's decision, a state law will criminalize the woman's conduct too, incarcerating or fining her for daring to seek or obtain an abortion. And as Texas has recently shown, a State can turn neighbor against neighbor, enlisting fellow citizens in the effort to root out anyone who tries to get an abortion, or to assist another in doing so.
The majority tries to hide the geographically expansive effects of its holding. Today's decision, the majority says, permits "each State" to address abortion as it pleases. Ante, at 79. That is cold comfort, of course, for the poor woman who cannot get the money to fly to a distant State for a procedure. Above all others, women lacking financial resources will suffer from today's decision. In any event, interstate restrictions will also soon be in the offing. After this decision, some States may block women from traveling out of State to obtain abortions, or even from receiving abortion medications from out of State. Some may criminalize efforts, including the provision of information or funding, to help women gain access to other States' abortion services. Most threatening of all, no language in today's decision stops the Federal Government from prohibiting abortions nationwide, once again from the moment of conception and without exceptions for rape or incest. If that happens, "the views of [an individual State's] citizens" will not matter. Ante, at 1. The challenge for a woman will be to finance a trip not to "New York [or] California" but to Toronto. Ante, at 4 (KAVANAUGH, J., concurring).
Whatever the exact scope of the coming laws, one result of today's decision is certain: the curtailment of women's rights, and of their status as free and equal citizens. Yesterday, the Constitution guaranteed that a woman confronted with an unplanned pregnancy could (within reasonable limits) make her own decision about whether to bear a child, with all the life-transforming consequences that act involves. And in thus safeguarding each woman's reproductive freedom, the Constitution also protected "[t]he ability of women to participate equally in [this Nation's] economic and social life." Casey, 505 U. S., at 856. But no longer. As of today, this Court holds, a State can always force a woman to give birth, prohibiting even the earliest abortions. A State can thus transform what, when freely undertaken, is a wonder into what, when forced, may be a nightmare. Some women, especially women of means, will find ways around the State's assertion of power. Others--those without money or childcare or the ability to take time off from work--will not be so fortunate. Maybe they will try an unsafe method of abortion, and come to physical harm, or even die. Maybe they will undergo pregnancy and have a child, but at significant personal or familial cost. At the least, they will incur the cost of losing control of their lives. The Constitution will, today's majority holds, provide no shield, despite its guarantees of liberty and equality for all.
One piece of evidence on that score seems especially salient: The majority's cavalier approach to overturning this Court's precedents. Stare decisis is the Latin phrase for a foundation stone of the rule of law: that things decided should stay decided unless there is a very good reason for change.
The Court reverses course today for one reason and one reason only: because the composition of this Court has changed. Stare decisis, this Court has often said, "contributes to the actual and perceived integrity of the judicial process" by ensuring that decisions are "founded in the law rather than in the proclivities of individuals."
Erlingur Alfređ Jónsson, 27.6.2022 kl. 18:20
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.